Community Projects


  • Give back to the community through philanthropic and/or service projects.
  • Provide visibility in the community for the Fox Valley Garden Club.


  • Fox Valley Garden Club treasury primarily with proceeds from each Gardeners’ Sale.
  • Funding is for the following year’s project.

Criteria for Projects

  • Be submitted by a Fox Valley Garden Club member
  • Be horticultural or ecological in nature
  • Reach and serve as many people as possible
  • Be all inclusive and not include funding to sustain or maintain project
  • Recipient agrees to maintain project upon completion
  • Fox Valley Garden Club will be acknowledged with signage provided by the Club when deemed appropriate
  • Projects not funded may be resubmitted a maximum of three times

2020 Projects

  • Amita Mercy Hospital–Healing Garden: Members conducted a spring cleanup, including weeding and pruning. The fall project involved relocating shade plants that were now in the sun due to the loss of a tree. This bed was then replanted with sun perennials, enhancing the soil with organic soil conditioner. Throughout the garden additional perennials were planted, as well as adding three rose bushes leading to the labyrinth.

2019 Projects

  • Amita Mercy Hospital–Healing Garden: Members conducted a spring cleanup, including weeding and pruning, as well as planting additional and replacement plants and enhancing the soil with organic soil conditioner. In the fall members focused on shade beds planting new perennials in each bed and replacing a rose bush.

2018 Projects

  • Presence Mercy Hospital–Healing Garden: Members conducted a spring cleanup, including weeding and pruning, as well as planting additional and replacement plants and enhancing the soil with organic soil conditioner. In the fall members divided hostas, relocating the divisions, adding bulbs, additional perennials throughout the garden, as well as adding shrubs around the labyrinth.
  • Tribute Bricks in Healing Garden: Dedication of four bricks comemmorating members.

2017 Projects

  • Presence Mercy Hospital–Healing Garden: Members assisted with weeding and watering the garden throughout the season.

2016 Projects

  • Provena Mercy Hospital–Healing Garden: Provided additional plants on both sides of the entry path, as well as shrubs around the labyrinth. Members planted perennials and enhanced the soil with organic soil conditioner.

2015 Projects

  • Provena Mercy Hospital–Healing Garden: Members replaced and provided additional plants with perennials and enhanced the soil with organic soil conditioner. The Hospital installed a sign recognizing the Fox Valley Garden Club.
  • Aurora Public Library–Santori Library–Juvenile Protective Association Childrens Nature Garden: Funds were given to the Library Foundation for the Prairie Path feature in the garden. The Library placed signs at the beginning and end of the path recognizing the Fox Valley Garden Club.

2014 Projects

  • Provena Mercy Hospital–Healing Garden: Enhanced the garden with additional perennials planted by members, filling in bare spots.
  • Nancy Hill Elementary School: Provided drought-resistant grasses along the south side of the school to add texture and interest throughout the seasons.

2013 Projects

  • Provena Mercy Hospital–Healing Garden: Provided additional garden enhancements with members planting shrubs, goundcover, and perennials
  • Quad County Urban League: Provided additional perennials around the sign and planted grasses and shrubs along the front and side of the building to improve the landscaping.

2012 Projects

  • Aurora Historical Society: Provided shrubs, perennials, and mulch to enhance the landscaping with additional color, texture, and interest across the seasons.
  • Quad County Urban League: Provided shrubs, perennials, and annuals around the sign and at the entrance to improve the landscaping.
  • Triple Threat Mentoring: Provided various tools and gardening needs to be used by students and volunteers in their urban garden project.

2011 Projects

  • Fox Valley Special Recreation Association: Provided various garden tools and related equipment, as well as seeds and plants for a vegetable garden to educate the students with disabilities about plants, healthy diets, and basic gardening techniques.
  • Provena Mercy Hospital–Healing Garden: Provided additional garden enhancements with members planting shrubs, groundcover, ornamental grasses, and perennials.

2010 Projects

  • West Aurora High School: Nameplates for tree identification. Dedicated on Arbor Day, April 30, 2010.
  • Greenman School: Three yards of garden soil was delivered to the school for the butterfly garden.
  • Habitat for Humanity: Enhanced landscaping for two homes. Habitat for Humanity staff assisted to prepare the planting areas with Garden Club members. Shrubs, ornamental grasses, ground cover, and perennials were added at the homes.
  • Provena Mercy Hospital–Healing Garden: Members provided and purchased shrubs, groundcover, ornamental grasses, and perennials to enhance the garden.